Dutch Decal has been producing decalsheets of aircraft from all Dutch armed forces. Dutch Decal started in 1986 with a sheet of the DC3 of the Dutch Dakota Association. After that more than hunderd different sheets were released. Most of them are sold out now but a few much requested sheets will be re-printed in the next years. Dutch Decal© and Dutch Profile© are a private initiative of Luuk Boerman.
Dutch Decal sheets are silk screen printed with an English instruction often in colour and if possible with photographs alongside the illustrations.
The 1:72 scale sheets (DD72…) wil have a red label, 1:48 scale (DD48…) a blue label and 1:32 (DD32…) will have a black label (exept the civil decalsheets) the first number is the scale of the subject. Dutch Decal sheets are printed in limited editions. All rights are reserved©.
Happy modelling.
Dutch Decal | Zwammerdam | The Netherlands. Facebook.com/Dutch Decal
Modelbouwers die modellen gemaakt hebben met Dutch Decals kunnen foto’s van hun modellen opsturen, deze worden een maand geplaatst als ‘walpaper’ op de site.
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